Dear MCC Hockey Section member and family,
Elsewhere on this website you’ll find the agenda and nominations information for this year’s Annual General Meeting, to be held at the MCC clubrooms on Monday, 16 December at 7pm.
We are a large, diverse and vibrant club and we rely on collective contributions to ensure its continued operation and success. Our committees are an important element of this. These committees have a number of people whom are both organisers and strategists for the club and who work in conjunction with coaches, managers, captains and many other able helpers.
Our committees are the backbone of our club and they supply important drive to its numerous sections. These include organising teams, the upkeep and supply of necessary equipment, uniforms, umpire rosters, kiosk-bar rosters, social events, club communication, important junior development, a great club culture, and continued enhancement of our club facilities.
We would greatly encourage your involvement in the club off the field. This may be on a committee, as an office bearer, or just getting involved in less formal subcommittees or positions.
If you are interested, please contact your 2019 committee contacts with any queries, and to discuss how you can get involved in the eagerly anticipated 2020 season.
Elections are not held for these Sub-Committee positions. The incoming Committee will appoint the Sub-Committees at its first meeting after the forthcoming AGM.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM and to have a chat, a drink and perhaps a sausage in bread afterwards.
Kind regards,
Craig Gration
MCC Hockey Section