Normally donations to a sports club are not tax deductible but our partnership with the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) enables donations to be tax deductible while still supporting capital projects for the development of our club.
Donate $2 or more today, or by 30 June, and you can receive a tax deduction in the current tax year.
Simply click on the link below which will take you the ASF page – you will be sent your tax deductible receipt – just remember to check the box to direct your donation to us
You can also set up a regular donation
Our 2021 capital fundraising goal is $25,000
With the support of our current 375 plus families and their extended family, past members and their families and our local communities in South Yarra and Elwood, we can hit this target and continue to build a fantastic club that can offer females and males from 5 years of age to 75 years + opportunities to participate in community sport – with better facilities